TC United Recreation Soccer

The largest recreation soccer league in Tooele County

2025 Spring Recreation Soccer Signups

Registration for our 2025 Spring recreation league is now open.

If you register now, you will be registering for the 2025 Spring Season. Registration includes a full jersey, eight games in the spring, and practices set up by each coach.

Registration is open now through February 15th at midnight.
For club updates and information, please follow us on our Facebook page  @TCUnitedSoccer.

Recreation Soccer

For players and families interested in a recreational team, here are the key characteristics:

  • Recreational soccer is very affordable if you are interested in joining the sport or playing as a way to cross-train for other sports.
  • Playing time is guaranteed. Every player who registers will play equally regardless of ability.
  • No tryouts are necessary to join a team. Players are randomly placed on teams.
  • Rec soccer is available for anyone age 3-18 years old.
  • There are usually 1-2 practice-oriented evenings per week and 8 recurring weekly games (typically played on weekends), making recreation soccer easier on the family schedule.
  • There is not a travel requirement. All games will be played in Grantsville and Tooele.
  • Team practices (days, times, and locations) are determined by individual team coaches. Coaches are responsible for communicating with parents about when and where they will be holding a practice.
  • We are always looking for coaches that are willing to help coach these young players and help them develop their skills on and off the field.  Please let us know if you are interested.
  • We are also looking for additional volunteers who are willing to help in other ways.  Please let us know if you would like to help out in any way.

Use the link below to view the schedules for the TC United Recreation Soccer League.  The schedules will be sorted based on age division.

Do you need to know where your child will be playing their games?  Check out the field locations below.  Please verify the location of your games and practices from your coach.

The beautiful game of soccer continues to evolve and rules are amended often.  Please use the link below to access the latest TC United Recreation Soccer rules.